Trouble sleeping? 🌖 Try this doctor's hack

– Thursday Wellness –

Ever tossed and turned at night? Instead of counting sheep, there’s a powerful (and surprisingly fun) technique called cognitive shuffling that can help calm your mind and lull you to sleep. It rearranges your thoughts like shuffling a deck of cards!

🧠 Cognitive shuffling works because:

  • It distracts your mind from conscious thought patterns that may keep you awake.

  • It mimics “micro dreams” that happen during the transition to sleep, to trigger your brain to think that it’s now safe to fall asleep.

🌜 There are 2 ways to do cognitive shuffling, pick what works for you!

  • 1st approach: Think about random words or objects that have nothing to do with each other (example: cow, leaf, sandwich, butter, liver)

  • 2nd approach: Pick a letter of the alphabet, then count your heartbeat, for every 8th beat think of a new word with that letter (example: B, count 1-8, Bread)

🔆 Invitation for Today 🔆

Try it tonight (or for your power naps during the day), and let us know how it goes.

Better yet, share this with someone who wants a good night’s sleep, and swap your favorite sleep hacks!

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