I fell spectacularly today — and gave myself a standing ovation

– Tuesday Affirmation –

Do you ever feel like your wins are never enough to celebrate? Like unless you crushed a marathon, climbed Mount Everest, or invented the next banana bread trend, it doesn’t count? When was the last time you cheered yourself on for showing up, even imperfectly?

In reality, life rarely delivers “perfect” moments tied up with a bow. It’s messy, and full of stumbles. Real progress isn’t about crushing Everest every day. It’s about acknowledging the effort and strength it takes us to try — even if it looks more like a flop than a triumph.

🔆 Invitation for Today 🔆

What’s one thing you’ve been putting off, waiting for the “perfect” time or plan?

Give yourself just 1 minute to get on it today. Whether you stumble, wobble, or smash it, celebrate like you just conquered your own Everest. (Banana optional but highly encouraged 🍌.)

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